FCC Will Require New Spectrum Winners To Open Network
This isn't about Cell Phones
Look for Wi-Max or whatever follows Wi-Max to be deployed on this network. 700 Mhz has great rural penetration because it doesn't require as many signal repeaters (I'm sure all you cell phone junkies already know this).
But that's just my theory. Truth is, will the amount of power and capability to access people that this spectrum will provide, it really could be anything. Nationwide ultra high speed wireless internet access is just one possibility.
I'd see it being mainly used for WiMax.
What worries me is that the operator of said networks could construe anything from skype to nmap to be deemed "harmful."
Like it or not, wireless is going to be the medium through which all of our communications/data needs are going to be met in the future. Internet, cable, purchases, etc are all going t...
How terribly noble
japhy said:...
And yet. . . I can't see this happening. True interoperability between different networks & manufacturers? Far easier said that done. I wonder if they'd be required to restrict the technologies in use in that band as
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