Valuable Spectrum?
I have always believed that 850mhz was better than 1900mhz spectrum. If 700mhz penetrates even better than 850mhz (as I suspect) then this spectrum should not be cheap. I think the big boys will be in on this in all the major metropolitan areas. This could be a VERY lucrative auction for the government.
i dont see at&t and vzw clamoring over 700mhz spectrum because they already have 850mhz spectrum. I do see t-mobile and sprint competing w/ metroPCS and other small companies. im excited about this 700mhz spectrum because it will increase coverage. ...
I think you point out some great things. However, I don't think that it will effect the metro areas at all. Aren't most metro areas on good 3g networks now? Wouldn't it help more in the extreme BF areas? I could be wrong.
I'll tell you who isn't happy about it: manufacturers who will have to add yet another frequency to handsets. I don't think they're looking forward to their customers demanding a quintband phone with quadband UMTS.
The carriers that will be looking at this are the ones that didn't win out in the last auction. Sprint and T-Mo made out great at the last auction. Alltel didn't do much of anything so they will be buying a lot this time around.
VZW might also be ...