Just CDMA?
Why would Moto limit themselves in such a capacity? Like the person before me was trying to point out, if they had GSM phones I (with my T-Mob service) could walk in, buy a phone, and use it right then and there. Aren't GSM phones at least half of their business? Whatever, the phone business in America makes about as much sense as the fist Mission:Impossible movie anyway...
CDMA is the future! CDMA is more efficient and faster!
In the U.S. of A, CDMA is around 50% of the marketplace. Who cares about the rest of the world when it comes to CDMA! Yes, GSM is dominant worldwide but that's not the point here. Like it or not, CDMA is very strong in the States.
Don't worry my friend,
If the Motorola Store won't be carrying any GSM phones, you can go to the Nokia Store four blocks south as soon as the 24th of June 😁
Moto... High End?
Im sorry but does anyone agree with me that Motorola and Flagship don't go together?
Are you out of your mind, they make the most sought after handsets, always a hit, appeal to the poppy public. And they're solid, Motorola has come a long way since there low times in CDMA.... This is gonna be great, They have the same idea at a mall ...
Jun 1, 2006, 1:01 PM
Question for you CDMA carrier users (and those in the know)
Can you just swap phones just like that? I like that I can take my SIM card & try different phones for a little while. How easy to do is this with Sprint, VZW, Alltel, etc.? I'm wondering because I'm still mystified as to Moto's model for these stores. Can they do ESN changes there? And would this store be able to program them with carrier settings on the spot? Or do those have to be sent to the phones later?
1) Yes you can jsut swap phones; HOWEVER, with VZW you either call customer care to swap ESNs, or go to your account online and swap ESNs there. Sprint users call custoemr care. There might be websites for sprint where you can do it, but i wou8ld be u...