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BlackBerry Shows Off the Priv

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Sep 30, 2015, 8:41 PM

Called it

When I said several months ago that if Blackberry were to survive they need to push out an Android phone, people thought I was mad. Nailed it.
Well, considering that they have been using Android apps since they realized that they needed apps for their OS 10, it was no surprise.

Sep 29, 2015, 8:56 AM

And here we all were

counting Blackberry out. But if someone is going to make a flagship device with with a slide-out Blackberry keyboard, you can count me interested. Where was this device 3 years ago?
A Blackberry phone that runs Android? Wow, it really is the end. It's too bad, a world with only two smartphone operating systems is not a world I want to live in,

Sep 29, 2015, 7:14 PM

Time to say goodbye

They need to play this outside their HQ on a massive megaphone. Sell your patients and run - or go the way IBM went.
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