PEBL Now More Colorful Than A River Rock
uhhh oh!
Cars are a different story. A truly classic car that is well kept over the years could indeed be worth more if it's a limited edition. Plus it's something that many can appreciate and enjoy. But let's get real. How many people collect phones? And how many people would pay a premium just to have an old phone that probably won't work on any network in 15 years? At least a car can still get me somewhere and be fun to drive in 15 years.
dwhitt said:
The pink razr is a limited edition phone. Wouldnt you expect to sell your car for more if only XXX number were produced?
Horrible analogy...replace car with entry level DVD player and that is closer in comparison to the subject matter.
i understand what you are trying to say, but its not the right way of saying it.
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