Apparently we don't need our eyes...
I mean, watching these flicks on screens the size of a few postage stamps? My eyes are already bad enough.
And one of the debut movies is Short Circuit, to boot, drama.
Sprint hates us.
Sprint Power Vision Movies: Because talking to the person next to you is so 1999.
Dec 12, 2005, 2:50 PM
Power Vision not so powerful
how long will it take before sprint starts puting restrictions on this service. Downloading a movie is a subtantial amount of data and ev-do (AKA: powervision) is pretty restricted in throughput.
We've already seen the "power" of ev-do via the verizon experience. Verizon are now turning people off who use ev-do too much, which does not seem too difficult with all the conditions verizon puts on it.
That's because Verizon and Sprint suck. Just because you're first to market with something, doesn't mean you're the best. Just look at the xbox 360...
I have downloaded over 2 gigs of data on my Sprint phone with Power Vision and have not been notified about anything. I doubt they will limit anyone because Power Vision allows for teathering. This is a Major difference between Verizon and Sprint. Ve...
You guys are all full of it. Sprint WANTS people to use the damn service, moron. Why would you claim all of this on Sprint just because VZW does this? VZW doesn't have as much riding on data as does Sprint. VZW has lots of blindly loyal customers that...
I can't believe you are assuming that because VZW's EV-DO blows that Sprints would as well. How many times have they released their PTT now....3? They hope to release their TV next year as Sprint allows you to watch movies and TV shows like the new ...