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SoftBank May Appeal to U.S. Public for T-Mobile Support

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Mar 4, 2014, 10:36 AM


Did everyone forget what happened with NEXTEL???? This MUST NOT HAPPEN!
I hope he hear you loud and clear,
dougm said:
Did everyone forget what happened with NEXTEL???? This MUST NOT HAPPEN!

It's not about what happened with Nextel. It's about an incompetent company with a history failed projects. Nextel, QChat, WiMAX, ...
If softbank buys t mobile, their will be 3 major carriers. the big 3 will join together in raising the prices for calling plans.i do not like sprint, i belieave t mobile has better coverage then sprint. and t mobile is what is making everyone else go ...
Please tell me what happened with Nextel? Let's see what you actually know and not just opinion but facts. 🙄

Mar 4, 2014, 12:49 PM

"can't compete" nonsense

Somehow the corporate raiders have even convinced laypersons of this garbage excuse.

There is no reason why everyone has to be as big as Verizon. It's just a load of arbitrary BS.

Also note the backward logic. We have to buy up customers so we can be competitive? It's supposed to work the other way.
Ah, but that's exactly the same strategy Verizon and At&T used to get so big in the first place. Anyone remember Bell Atlantic Mobile or GTE? How about SNET wireless? McCaw Cellular Communications? BellSouth?
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