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Scratch Wireless Now Open for Business

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Jan 16, 2014, 11:14 PM

Who the hell thinks this is a good deal?

I'm so curious what the use case is for this for these WiFi MVNOs. You have to be a very specific breed of cheapskate - someone who's willing to pony up significant cash for an obsolete cell phone that's stuck on this network all in the name of saving $20.00 a month. Unless you use 500MB of data, in which case you'll be paying more than a T-Mobile LTE plan.

More curious, I'm wondering what fantasyland these people live in where free WiFi is plentiful and good. (College campuses, perhaps.) I've tried and when you're not dealing with a weak signal, you're often dealing with congestion or straight-up failure.

Jan 16, 2014, 2:18 PM

Oh lord....

another Sprint based MVNO 🙄 Please stop the insanity!!!!
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