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Motorola Says Custom Moto X Orders May Not Arrive in 4 Days

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Aug 23, 2013, 4:33 PM
It stinks that Verizon isn't getting the customization option at this point. That may hurt sales for Motorola as non-AT&T customers may forgo purchasing the device and purchase a competing one instead.

Aug 23, 2013, 6:53 PM
michael_herc said:
It stinks that Verizon isn't getting the customization option at this point. That may hurt sales for Motorola as non-AT&T customers may forgo purchasing the device and purchase a competing one instead.

Motorola never gets it. They haven't learned a thing from Apple and Samsung on how to do things when it comes to releasing phones.

You release one flagship phone with up to date specs and release it on ALL carriers at the same damn time. No exclusivity B.S., no later dates for certain carriers, no 32GB on AT&T but only 16GB on Verizon, etc.

They need to stop the nonsense already if they want to join the likes of Samsung and Apple in the smartphone game or they'll be left behind. Es...

Aug 24, 2013, 3:45 PM
Apple? I guess someone has forgotten the iPhone was only available on at&t's network for a majority of it's US release history. Also since Motorola is hurting and exclusivity comes with a price, it's probably not all that disadvantageous.

Aug 24, 2013, 4:17 PM
Apple gave Verizon the first chance to carry the iphone. Because of the cost and all the things Verizon would have to take away from the customer ( unlimited data, ne2 credits and the every year upgrade ) Verizon declined to carry the phone and said move to atnt.

Aug 24, 2013, 5:15 PM
Um verizon wouldn't have to take away those things. They would just make less money. But they don't want to make less money and so they turned down Apple. They weren't doing it for the consumer. They were doing it for themselves.

Aug 25, 2013, 6:22 AM
They do it for Sosa.

Aug 26, 2013, 5:42 PM
Sosa corked his bat. We all know he's a cheater.
T Bone

Aug 26, 2013, 2:37 PM
While it has long been rumored that Apple offered the iPhone to Verizon and was turned down, neither company has ever confirmed it and it has never been anything more than speculation. In fact, Verizon was never an option in 2007 because they don't have GSM and their 3G network was considerably slower than at&t's. Apple chose at&t because at&t has the largest GSM network in the United States and had the fastest 3G speeds. Producing one version for the US and another for international was never part of Apple's plan at launch.

Aug 24, 2013, 5:14 PM
Your not serious right. You are one of those people who only look at specs don't you. You know specs aren't everything. The HTC ONE's processor isn't as fast as the S4 yet its a faster phone. You do know that people still choose the iPhone 5 over the galaxy s4 and the S4 specs are so far beyond the iPhone 5 it isn't even funny. But what is the big difference? The phone doesn't crash or slow down. Yes the Moto X doesn't have the greatest specs in the world but it has an amazing user experience which is more important.

And what do you mean learn something for Apple and Samsung. They have don't the customizable options that the Moto X does. So they have no experience to draw from.

Aug 25, 2013, 9:50 AM
Nice post DarkStar! I agree

Aug 26, 2013, 10:52 PM
i may be wrong, but i think the specs are mandated by the carrier. so whether it's 16gb or 32gb, i believe was set by verizon or what ever carrier is selling this phone, not by motorola. someone can correct me if i am wrong...

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