WOW Sounds like a desperate company to me.....
Even though samsung does have great products I have never been a fan with all the issues I kept seeing with their phones across the board since I have worked as an Agent. The other phone makers had problems as well but samsung would be a safe bet when trying to guess what phone someone was about to complain about not working of the charging port not working or the touch screen being no responsive or even the phone dropping more calls than the other phone makers. Sounds like Samsung is crying like a little baby since they got busted stealing stuff from Apple. When Samsung has admitted this people still take up for them like little Fan Boys. I look at like this Theft is Theft end of story.
Like how Steve Jobs years ago admitted that they steal ideas? Not only did he admit it but he pretty much was bragging about it.
How can Apple state they steal ideas, then get pissed if someone steals ideas from them? Plus how can Apple even claim ...
Samsung is currently #1 in mobile phones, and #1 in smartphones, by a wide margin.....the lawsuits are stupid, but they are also mostly defensive, since Apple is aggressively trying to exterminate Android...
Moreover, Samsung is the most innovative...
Just End This Stupid Crap Already!
Enough with the lawsuits, you aren't going to win and all you are doing is wasting money!
I dunno; this is way beyond business now. Obviously this has become a personal vendetta on both their parts and it's become a very ugly public fight. Don't know or care anymore whose to blame or who started it, just needs to STOP!!!
Round 2.... Fight!
You know what. This is getting asinine. I can understand if you want something from an other company. But license it for the love of Mike.
I like a lot of Samsungs phones, especially the Galaxy S (1, 2, 3) and Note phones. They are really nice and face, and the interface is beautiful. And I will give Apple credit for starting the smartphone craze as we know it. However all this litigation BS they are doing is making me lose respect for both companies. It's like watching the two biggest crybabies duke it out and see who can piss the farthest.
Thank God I am a HTC and LG user. Yeah, I know they have been involved in litigation's with other companies. It happens. But nothing to the extent of this crap.
HTC is supposedly going to attempt to sue Apple for LTE..
Ha ha! Mortal Kombat reference! Awesome.... 😎