Review: Samsung Galaxy S III
If they do, I haven't noticed it (must be a combination of super pixel density and my aging eyes, lol).
What could have been ( at least in the US)--
Ah, well--still a great, great phone.
What are the SG3 memory limitations
Anyway, I am continually encountering a "low memory" warning and when I do I lose functionality most notably my email won't send or receive. When I go to my Application Manager I see that there I lose my capability at about 43MB (Free). I assumed this was a RAM measurement but it isn't. I have plenty of free RAM. So this is phone memory, but I don't know how to measure what I Have. Right now it says 371 MB used and 57 MB Free. This is a total of 428 MB Memory. What...???? I though I had gigabites of internal memory.
My question is what is different on the Samsung G3 in this manner. Is this improved by going form 16GB to 32GB in sele...
The memory issue is actual useable memory for applications. You have many GBs of storage for things like songs, movie...
It's called Apps2sd ... »
First, we need to break down the two types of memory. ROM vs RAM.
Just like a computer, your phone is broken down these two types.
Read Only Memory(ROM) is what programs and info are stored on regardless if being used or not.
AT&T vs. T-Mobile
You see, AT&T has for quite awhile chosen to use AMR-HR (Half Rate) as its vocoder, at least on its GSM network, and I wouldn't be surprised if that carried over onto HSPA. In contrast, T-Mobile uses AMR-FR. Double the bits means MUCH better audio quality on T-Mobile than AT&T.
Because if this, my bet is that Sprint's GSIII will also sound better than AT&T's, on par with T-Mobile. Verizon's will be pretty close.