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Sprint Trialling 'Upgrade Now' Promotion

Article Comments  19  

Feb 13, 2012, 3:29 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Feb 13, 2012, 3:39 PM

Sprint has begun testing a new upgrade policy that allows current customers to upgrade to new devices for less than full price, but more than the cost to new customers. Kristin Wallace, Sprint Communications Manager, said in an email to Phone Scoop, "Sprint continues to be committed to earning our customers loyalty. The offer is intended to help give customers who are on contract but may need (or want) a new phone another option. This is not a nationwide program. It is a trial program in select markets." Wallace did not name the markets, nor did she indicate if or when the program might be expanded. Promotional prices vary by device and where a customer is within their service contract.

source: Sprint

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Feb 13, 2012, 6:29 PM

days are number

i will be so happy to see this company come to a end ;)
freedom4u said:
i will be so happy to see this company come to a end ;)

You and me both. I can't wait for Sprint to go knocking on Verizon's door begging for mercy only for Verizon to slam the door saying, "we don't...
sounds like a moron that burned bridges after their own mistake

Feb 14, 2012, 7:51 PM

T-Mobile already does this.

T-Mobile does partial upgrades at 12 and 18 months, with the full at 22. This isn't really a new thing. Besides, doesn't Sprint do upgrades at 12 months for plans above a certain amount anyway still?
Actually, Sprint has done away with 12 month upgrades altogether as a standard policy. There are still some business customers on 12 month contracts, but it looks like they are trying to phase it out. They used to have Gold and Silver Premier progra...

Feb 14, 2012, 8:51 AM

What a bunch of TROLLS!!!

Every time sprint implements a good idea that ATT or Verizon would never think of, they're being desperate. People have been saying for years " two years from now sprint will be dead" well I've heard that chant for over 12 years now and they're still here. They have improved service vastly, their customer service is phenomenal now, and I can't even remember the last time I've gotten a dropped call.The nextel failure will be all but a memory in less than 2 years when they phase all the customers off of IDEN. And uninformed and ignorant people who want to sound like they know what they are talking about keep bringing up WiMAX. They had spectrum which was mandated by the government for them to use it or lose it, why is that so hard for these pe...
yeah seriously. yes some people cant afford at&t or vzw but still want some of the top phones in the u.s.

and does verizon or att do anything like this? i see att just upped their upgrade fee next. im sure before summer verizon will start implement...
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