Verizon May Ask Obama to Intervene in Patent Wars
Aug 24, 2011, 9:53 AM by Eric M. Zeman
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Verizon Wireless might ask President Barack Obama to overrule any importation injunctions delivered by the U.S. International Trade Commission in order to prevent the wireless industry from heading for a meltdown. The Journal explains, "Verizon thinks it would be great if President Obama, in a blanket statement, made clear he would not let stand any decision blocking importation of consumer wireless devices. The parties then would have to recur to normal patent litigation, and whatever rights and wrongs are discovered could be settled by exchanges of cash." Nearly every smartphone maker is entangled in patent-based litigation with its competitors. The ITC is considering a number of cases involving companies such as Apple, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Microsoft, RIM, Google, and others. Depending on the outcome of these patent cases, the ITC could block a wide number of handsets from entering the U.S. Such a move could spell a lot of trouble for the wireless industry. Verizon hasn't made any formal request for action from the president yet, as the ITC hasn't issued any final rulings on the pending cases.
ridiculous » ... »
These patent litigations are...
Normally I think the government screws up everything it lays it's hands on, however...