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Verizon's Tiered Data Goes Into Effect July 7

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Jul 5, 2011, 10:28 AM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jul 5, 2011, 12:49 PM

Verizon Wireless has confirmed to Fierce Wireless that it will introduce tiered data plans starting on July 7. The company has indicated at regular intervals this year that unlimited data plans would no longer be available, but it hadn't specified a date. The tiered data plans will cost $10 for 75MB per month (feature phones only), and $30 for 2GB, $50 for 5GB or $80 for 10GB for smartphones. Verizon will charge overage fees at the rate of $10 per GB of data when users exceed their limit. Verizon indicated that existing customers who upgrade to a new device on or after July 7 will be able to keep their unlimited plan. Last, Verizon Wireless also plans to introduce new pricing for its Long Term Evolution 4G mobile hotspot feature. Customers already using the feature will be charged $30 per month for unlimited tethering. New customers will be charged $20 for 2GB of tethering data in addition to whichever data plan they already subscribe.


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Jul 5, 2011, 11:57 AM

Switching to Sprint

When my contract is up, I'm switching to Sprint. I have a pretty sweet deal with VZW now and it won't be going away, but I can't stay with a company that supports inflating prices this much. In no way does this save any user any money, nor does it give them any new options.
Well it's been a full year since ATT murdered unlimited and rendered smartphones useless. It doesn't seem to have effected their subscriber base.
good luck with sprint they SUCKED in my area, I got the Commando on verizon and I'm going NO WHERE!
Some time next year, I imagine Sprint will apply tiered data caps as well. First AT&T, now Verizon, Sprint next.

In the coming years, there will be no such thing as unlimited data access on any service, wireless or hard-line, any more. It will al...
If you're with Verizon now you'll be grandfathered in so theres no reason to care.

Don't think Sprint wont pull this crap either. They may give you all you can eat WiMAX at the moment but the coverage stinks anyway. If you think they wont implemen...
It is good to see a person of honor. Me personally, as much as I detest Verizon as long as I have the plan I want I could care less. Great to see you standing by your principles though. Nice job!
Sprint is next to end unlimited options. Their network shows it more and more each day. This is nothing new in the world. The US is last to offer unlimited data option. If you have it, be happy. If not, get over it.

On the other hand, Verizon is a...
I have sprint, i love it , customer service, payment arrangements are awesome!, service is awesome ( espically in doors when tmobile drops off )

i have a really good price,

the apps that come bundled with the EVO like navigation is AWESOME!!! ...

Jul 5, 2011, 10:19 PM

In defense of tiered data

VZW's pricing structure does suck, however I'm in support of tiered data, I've still got my $30 unlimited data from AT&T, and I'm never giving it up. However I usually blow through 5-7 GB a month, mainly cause I watch lots of hulu and stream lots of pandora on my Inspire 4G, I don't care about my usage because I'm unlimited, I usually just leave my wifi off since I usually get way longer battery life with it off, I could manage my data, but I don't care to. Now if everyone was like me the network would continue to be bogged down and slow, that's why tiered data is a good idea. There have been several studies showing that the average smartphone user goes through about 500mb a billing cycle, so most people on AT&T don't every touch their 2GB. ...
didn't you see the rule that CLEARLY states "no intelligent comments allowed on phonescoop! EVER!"
On the T-Mo comment, yes. Slowing speeds down to 2.5G as T-mobile does is an excellent strategy, as fully unlimited access is still provided. Also, with the 5 Gigabyte feature costing $50.00 on Verizon with their new tiered pricing, for only $10.00 m...

Jul 6, 2011, 9:12 AM

Question about 4g Hopspot

I thought the hot spot feature was only 2gb currently correct me if I am wrong? Also if I am I know I have the free promo now what will happen will it expires ?
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'm going to wager a guess - when your free promo expires, you will need to pay for what you previously received for free.

Just a guess.

Jul 5, 2011, 11:56 PM

I don't understand....

Why some of you think that people who use less than 1gb of data a month should pay the same as someone who uses 40gb a month? A cell phone and data plan is not a God given right...it is a business, and as such, you should be charged for what you actually use!
When a company sells you UNLIMITED, THAT is what you are paying for & what you deserve!! If you choose to use 100MB or 100GB, it is your choice. They are free to charge what they want & change plans & then people are also free to leave to go to anoth...
This is very true and something I totally agree with, however, on the one month that I tried to use as much data as I could, I used 1.5GB. On a usual basis, I use about 300MB - 700MB. I don't stream anything so yes I should pay for what I use which is...

Jul 5, 2011, 1:02 PM

Netlix App & Other Streaming Content

Holy F*** Balls Batman !

Last month I used 40+ GB of 3G/4G data without hot spotting or tethering (unless you count hooking my smartphone up to my tv via HDMI cable for Netflix as tethering )

That would of been $80 for the 5GB plan and over $350 in additional useage plus the customary 12.5% in taxes surcharges and fees that would be over $500 in addition to the rest of my cell bill.

It is a good time to be a Sprint customer 🙂
MadFatMan said:
Holy F*** Balls Batman !

Last month I used 40+ GB of 3G/4G data without hot spotting or tethering (unless you count hooking my smartphone up to my tv via HDMI cable for Netflix as tethering )

That would of be
I have it on good word (sister works for VZW) that power users such as yourself on VZW WILL BE THROTTLED!!!

Jul 5, 2011, 5:51 PM


...streaming down my face. 😢
Really? All it takes is some second rate carrier changing their data plans for you to have tears ? Dayum man. Lets hope your dog never dies.

Jul 5, 2011, 11:31 AM

Hahaha about time!!

That's to all the att customers that threaten to switch to verizon because they still have the unlimited plan well the plans seem to be a little more expensive now!!
your post hold no water until after july 7th at&t customers to join verizon before or until the 6th can still get the unlimited data plan on their lines and have it grandfathered in

Jul 5, 2011, 2:13 PM

July 7.... July 7....

Was trying to work out what else was happening on that day...

I get paid the seventh 😁
I ge
I get paid the 8th. 😁

Jul 5, 2011, 11:38 AM

Tiered Data

Glad I did my upgrade already.
I dont care much for data caps. When I first heard of this i went around my store and had prople pull up their data usage (witch is in KB oddly...anyway) Most people ARE under 2GB true and using WIFI helps.
When we had a MAJOR storm and the power was out for 2.5 days I used almost 8GB of Data on my Thunderbolt (TV,Web) and RE-Activated my Incredible just for Netflix.
Tiered Data might be ok for some if you know about using Wifi and are not a Netflix via phone user.
Im going to be using NTT DoCoMo here in a minute cuz im moving
You do not have Netflixs on your thunderbolt?
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