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Verizon to Swap Its 700MHz for U.S. Cellular's 1900MHz

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Jun 7, 2011, 2:33 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Verizon Wireless and U.S. Cellular have filed paperwork with the Federal Communications Commission in hopes of garnering approval for a planned spectrum swap. Under the terms of the agreement, Verizon Wireless will provide U.S. Cellular with 13 lower 700MHz B Block licenses and five lower 700MHz C Block licenses in Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington. In return, U.S. Cellular will provide Verizon Wireless with two 10MHz PCS licenses in Illinois and Indiana. According to the two companies, the PCS spectrum will allow Verizon Wireless to expand capacity and improve its services in the named markets, and the 700MHz spectrum will allow U.S. Cellular to expand into new markets, improve network capacity, and upgrade voice and data services in its existing markets.



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Jun 7, 2011, 2:51 PM

Will this affect Verizon's LTE in that area that they are swapping?

Also, does this mean that USCC will use that 700Mhz for LTE?
I dont know about the Verizon queston, but for the 700Mhz LTE, they can use that 700Mhz for whatever technology they have that is compatable with it. They will probably use it for LTE, as, devices released up until this point would only have support ...
Undoubtably yes on both counts. Verizon has enough spectrum in these markets that it won't affect them much. What it will do for USCC is allow them to fill in market holes so they can have a more complete presence in the Western markets. USCC will pro...
Will it have an "effect": Yes-theoretically,

Will anyone ever notice: No.

Verizon didn't part with any of their upper C-band licenses, just a couple lower C block and B block, which they're not using.

Verizon will only need th...
iDont Care

Jun 8, 2011, 11:17 AM

Why don't they just buy US Cellular already

and get rid of them!
It is no benifit to them to buy USCC. USCC used their system to roam on and they are already in most of the same areas that USCC is in. so where would be the benifit? they would be only purchasing 6.1million customers.
iDont Care said:
and get rid of them!

VZW may be thinking that it can divest these Lower 700 MHz licenses, then recover them in a few years in an acquisition of US Cellular. However, the Carlson family -- who appar...
Your wish is a very dangerous one.

Approximately 6 rural carriers have already joined VZW's continuing network alliance of having the smaller carriers build out their own networks while being able to use VZW's LTE licensed spectrum.

My fear i...

Jun 8, 2011, 12:12 AM

Which counties?

I thought the C Block licenses were regional not by County... strange...

Which counties in each state, Seems odd they would not list them.
lte said:
I thought the C Block licenses were regional not by County... strange...

Which counties in each state, Seems odd they would not list them.

You are confusing Lower 700 MHz C 12 MHz licenses (which VZW i...

Jun 7, 2011, 8:40 PM

I Wish!

They would expand into NV already Las Vegas Please! They look like a great company!

Jun 7, 2011, 3:16 PM


This will help USCC bolster the new LTE network they are launching this year! 🙂
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