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PayPal and eBay Sue Google Over Google Wallet

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May 27, 2011, 7:11 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Mere hours after Google and its partners unveiled Google Wallet and Google Offers at an event in New York, the company and two of its executives were hit with a lawsuit by PayPal and eBay over its new mobile payment system. The lawsuit alleges that the two executives, Osama Bedier and Stephanie Tilenius, both of which were former PayPal employees, stole PayPal trade secrets and breached contracts they had with PayPal. Tilenius was an employee at Google from 2001 to October 2009 and Bedier was an employee at PayPal for nine years. Tilenius is being accused of recruiting Bedier from PayPal to Google, which PayPal says breached her contract with PayPal. Bedier, who headed PayPal's mobile payment efforts, is being accused of "misappropriating PayPal trade secrets by disclosing them within Google and to major retailers" as well as transferring "up-to-date versions of documents outlining PayPal's mobile payment strategies to his non-PayPal computer just days before leaving PayPal for Google." Tilenius and Bedier were presenters at Thursday's event. Google has not officially responded to the lawsuit.

Reuters »


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May 27, 2011, 7:34 AM

unfortunate first name.

this sounds like the first legit law suit being publicized on here. or at least that i can remember.

if this is true then they're gonna get roasted.
Ooooh boy!!!! Paypal is blaming former employees.

http://www.phonearena.com/news/PayPal-suing-former-e ... »
He's been reincarnated already!!

kidding.. haha.

May 27, 2011, 12:28 PM

As far as I know, Google doesn't make money scamming people.

With that being said, I think eBay and PayPal should rest assured that their business model is not being stolen.
I'm going to sue for every company copying me and sueing every company!

For years, this is my first post! It took PayPal and Ebay to get me to register, first off, Ebay and PayPal should focus on making their customers happy before they try to sue a company that has nothing but good. Google rocks!
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