Review: Kyocera Echo
Apr 12, 2011, 11:00 PM by Eric M. Zeman
updated Apr 22, 2011, 10:42 AM
Kyocera boldly ventures forth where no smartphone has ventured before with the dual-screened Echo. Kyocera attempts to answer a question that has plagued humankind since the beginning of time.

The Kyocera Echo, with its dual-screen design, boldly goes where no smartphone has gone before. Do you dare follow it? Only the adventurous soul seeking a radically new smartphone experience need apply, as Kyocera sets out to prove if two displays are truly better than one.
I've been saying this all along...
"The Echo is the first handset that can honestly and truly multitask, as far as I am concerned"
And it's true.
No matter how hard you bash Windows phone or iOS, NO PHONE truly multi-tasks unless you can actually USE two apps at the same time like on a computer.
It would be fun to see a better manufacturer produce a phone like this... HTC???
Kyocera might not be at the height of fashion, but they have usually built solid devices (7135, anyone??).