T-Mobile Responds to Customer Concerns Regarding AT&T
Mar 23, 2011, 11:31 AM by Eric M. Zeman
T-Mobile has posted a FAQ page to its web site in order to help customers get the information they need regarding the proposed acquisition of T-Mobile by competitor AT&T. In particular, T-Mobile would like to reassure that its customers' devices won't be obsolesced if the acquisition closes. On its FAQ page, T-Mobile explains, "T-Mobile has no plans to alter our 3G / 4G network in any way that would make your device obsolete. The deal is expected to close in approximately 12 months. After that, decisions about the network will be AT&T’s to make. That said, the president and CEO of AT&T Mobility said 'there’s nothing for [customers] to worry about… [network changes affecting devices] will be done over time… Chances are you'll be on to your next device long before AT&T makes any changes to the network.' Now is a great time to get one of our latest smartphones."
I think everyone needs to shut up already!
craigashliegh said:...
I think all of you complaining about how AT&T is going to be " to big " should just shut up already. This is a business and life ran around making money! AT&T shouldn't be punished in anyway just because they we
craigashliegh said:
This is a business and life ran around making money!
True, AT&T is a business and it should be looking to make the most money it can. However, there are rules that all industries must abid...
I don't buy this for a second and neither shoud any consumer
This will also put the fate of Android in some shady hands. T-Mobile has been a balancing force and has proved to be a very viable competitor. Everyone needs to come together and try and stop this. Stay in the loop at http://www.facebook.com/saveourdroid
I see prices dropping, customer service improving across the board and more customer choice as competition grows STRONGER through innovations like lightsquared a...
And please, DT is hardly the saint you see...
Bad for consumers
Jewbear said:
I am going to start my own cell phone company.
I'm out of contract with TMO. So I'm going to either your cell company or Sprint lol. Maybe yours will have 3G where I live!
How long before I have to choose a more expensive plan for the same level of service?
From the T-Mobile FAQ:
Will my rate plan change because of the acquisition?
We will honor all customer contracts entered into before the change of ownership.
It seems to me they're implying that after your contract ends, you will have to choose a current (and almost certainly pricier) plan and replace your SIM card.
Demand Pentaband!!!