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RIM Offering Beta of Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerries

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Mar 17, 2011, 1:23 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Mar 17, 2011, 1:28 PM

Research In Motion today announced the availability of Facebook 2.0 beta. The new software offers a wide range of new features, including better chat notifications, redesigned navigation grid and notifications bar, improved news feed scrolling, as well as a newly refreshed user interface. Facebook 2.0 beta will initially only be available to registered Beta Zone testers with devices running BlackBerry 6. RIM will add support for older BlackBerry platforms over time. RIM didn't say when the beta would expand beyond the Beta Zone.

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Mar 17, 2011, 2:30 PM

Ahhh...Where are RIM's new handsets?

RIM wake up! You can't live on your past success, it's time to start innovating again. The young upstart Android is kicking your butt and all we hear out of Waterloo is crickets chirping... Still talking about the Playbook, while your competitors are selling millions of them every month. Pick the manufacturer, they are ALL releasing new handsets monthly. The last new RIM handset released was the Torch. Sadly only for one carrier, which by the way was rated the worst wireless provider in the states. RIM better wake up quickly or they will be lost in the dust!!!
In 2010, RIM had its highest marginal profits EVER...if this is a sign of a company in trouble, may we all be so troubled.
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