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Rural Cellular Association Moves to Block AT&T's Spectrum Grab

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Mar 15, 2011, 1:19 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

The Rural Cellular Association filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission on March 11 asking the agency to block AT&T's purchase of 700MHz spectrum from Qualcomm's MediaFLO business. The RCA argues that this would further empower the AT&T-Verizon Wireless duopoly that dominates the U.S. market and would be bad for consumers. RCA President & CEO Steven K. Berry said in a prepared statement, "If the FCC chooses to grant the transaction, despite the obvious competitive harms, it should require interoperability of devices across all 700MHz band licenses and require AT&T to reach automatic data roaming agreements with any interested carrier. The continued dominance of the two largest carriers must not be further promoted, and it is time for the FCC to take action to ensure a competitive marketplace."


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Mar 15, 2011, 3:10 PM

Well Life Sux.

So the whole country should be a patchwork of ripoff roaming charges so these cry babies can have their way? The inbred rednecks get enough in monies from cellular taxes to develop internet, towers etc... Grow up. And this has nothing to do with if I like AT&T, VZW or hate them. These smaller carriers want a free ride on the big four. Too friggin bad.
Didn't they move to block the last purchase too and everyone just kind of pointed and laughed at their efforts?
I am not sure you specifically know what you are talking about. I admit that there are dead areas where the Big TWO do not have coverage but service just doesn't work there. For all the years I worked at Verizon I never saw a bill with domestic roamin...
"These smaller carriers want a free ride ..."

You never know what you can get if you don't ask.

Mar 15, 2011, 7:51 PM

Valid Complaints.

The RCA is seeking the block in order to prevent a monopolization in the areas of very small amounts of competition. While I support the stance due to same beliefs, I feel this may be a losing battle. Historically, the FCC and DOJ have cuddled the larger companies without regard to what may or may not be fair long term completion. Over time, this has effectively allowed VZW and ATT to acquire and exchange assets from one another to benefit an army of two. The financial power the two largest carriers now possess from this cartel, will subsequently render the smaller carriers little chance of ever becoming more viable in the industry. Some will completely die, and some will remain retail outlets only for the larger. There is no way they could...
I might buy into this. EXCEPT, these so call rural carriers don't bid on spectrum, they want it for free, then when they have it, they don't want to build it out. Or cry to the government they need help. Screw them.
This is Obama's FCC. These companies don't trust a Democrat. That's why Verizon rushed a vote on the Alltel acquisition while the Republicans were still in power. We just don't know how this will shake out. I, personally think that if there isn't ...
Hitur Petar

Mar 15, 2011, 10:01 PM

They are the PUBLIC Airways

The people own the air and rent it to these companies to use for a while. No small group of companies should be allowed to control virtually all of them. Of course they want to permanately control ALL of them for ever, but it's illegal and cannot be allowed to happen. We own the airwaves, not the big 4. We simply allow them to rent them.
They're only leasing them for fifty years or so, right? 🤣

Seriously, is that how you feel about your local utilities company too?
flip mode

Mar 15, 2011, 8:50 PM

its gonna get approved

because we live in a greedy country and the fcc has no backbone to really stand up to at&t/verizon
AT&T better grease some palms.
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