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Verizon Confirms $30 Unlimited Plan for iPhone, Cuts $15 Option

Article Comments  72  

Jan 25, 2011, 9:16 AM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jan 25, 2011, 12:07 PM

Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam told the Wall Street Journal in an interview today that the company will offer iPhone customers an unlimited data plan for $30 per month. "Iā€™m not going to shoot myself in the foot," he said. McAdam believes Verizon has to offer the unlimited option in order to maximize the appeal to potential defectors from AT&T. AT&T offered existing customers an extension of their $30 unlimited plans last summer with the launch of the iPhone 4. New AT&T customers have to choose between two different limited data plans. During its earnings call, Verizon executives also confirmed that it will also be dropping its $15 smartphone plan option at the end of January. The $15 monthly data plan allowed for 150MB of data and was introduced in October 2010. It won't be available to new iPhone customers, making the $30 unlimited plan the only option. However, Verizon will make the $30 unlimited data option available for a limited time only. Speaking later on Tuesday, McAdam said that Verizon will eventually return to tiered data plans as AT&T has done. The return to tiered data will happen in the "not too distant future."

Fierce Wireless »



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Jan 25, 2011, 9:54 AM

This isn't really bad for AT&T...

Okay...so I work for AT&T. Not a fan boy or anything, they just pay my bill. I've been with them for about two years now and although it's upsetting that they got rid of their unlimited plan, I don't think it's the worse thing in the world.

Ever since AT&T lowered the data plan from a solid $30 to either $15 or $25, I've seen more people who would have otherwise went for a messaging phone now going for smartphones because they are more affordable. Older people and younger people right out of college. It hurts my commission, no doubt. But in the grand scheme of things, it works well for the customer.

I always say this is all about choice. You can pick your carrier, you can pick how much you can afford every month and see which provide...
I actually agree with you, Jeff.
We've seen lots more people go to a smartphone based on data plan pricing alone. I find it helps my employees commission. Yes, you lose $5/smartphone BUT I find it's offset by additional sales.
The people that ACTUA...
T Bone

Jan 25, 2011, 9:26 AM

Yeah, that's real smart

Put a big sign that says 'data hogs welcome here', encourage all the people using 10,15, 20 GB a month to come to Verizon....then watch as they congest your network and bring it to its knees....

Here's a nickel's worth of free advice for Verizon 'don't let your mouth write a check that your butt can't cash'

This is suicide.
Good! Now maybe AT&T will relax with their data plans.
You can keep your nickel. Verizon Droids use as much or more data than a Iphone and Verizons network has been just fine thanks. Google "Droids use more data than Iphone?" CDMA network ftw! šŸ˜Ž
T Bone said:
Put a big sign that says 'data hogs welcome here', encourage all the people using 10,15, 20 GB a month to come to Verizon....then watch as they congest your network and bring it to its knees....

Here's a nickel's wo
flip mode

Jan 25, 2011, 6:34 PM


its not looking that the iphone 4 will have that capability on big red seeing how cdma cant do that. besides wifi, aka the iphone's crutch how will this happen. the iphone 4 on vzw is only 3G. not LTE from what i understand šŸ˜³
shockingly few people talk+surf or care. you hear about it because the people who do care are tech junkies / journalists (even then how much do they *really* do), or at&t reps; a group of people far more vocal then the average joe.

much more appeal...
I would expect people of PhoneScoop to be more educated about this. CDMA CAN do simultaneous voice and data if the handset supports it. This is supposed to be available to carriers in the Spring. Now, how long before a carrier decides to implement tha...

Jan 25, 2011, 9:47 AM

Let the defections from AT&T begin! ! !

I defected back in March of 2010.

The next 2yrs will be very, very interesting.
Jay, you left over your disdain for the Backflip. That seems like a good reason to have switched. šŸ™„

I don't think that there will be a mass exodus for a 3G iphone 4.
Jay. Wait. Aren't you leaving when your contract is up?

Jan 26, 2011, 7:36 AM

What is the over/under first week/month sales

500,000 first week. 1 million for the month. I think if it is still cold on the east cost it could be less.
Why would cold on the east coast be any different from being cold in the Rockies or the North? Unless you're referring to the lower parts of the south east (where cold weather might deter some southern warmbloods from going out), I don't see the poin...

Jan 26, 2011, 2:23 AM

Good luck getting in touch with Verizon i-phone users!

All of your buddies will be screwing around with their CDMA i-phones and either not be able to receive you call or get irritated cause you just interrupted their favorite episode on Hulu. Now if verizon wanted to really sweeten the deal they should throw in a Mifi for a small nominal fee so you can have the best of both worlds!
This was the most inane comment I've heard all morning.

Jan 25, 2011, 12:44 PM

Speaking of Comedy Central

http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-january-11-201 ... »

I am sure the AT&T fans will be watching slightly annoyed at the bashing of their fine network.


Or is it?
Who, by the way, is on a real (TV) network.

http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2011/01/13/Wat ... »

Jan 25, 2011, 11:21 AM

This is good for both parties...

1. Unlimited plans will cause more customers to defect from AT&T to Verizon, which will hopefully bring down the congestion on the AT&T network.

1a. The likelihood that the Verizon network will be swamped by unlimited iPhones is partially mitigated by the "no simultaneous voice and data" limitation.

2. This may force AT&T to start offering an unlimited iPhone plan again.

As another poster stated-- people want an unlimited plan not because they would use unlimited data, but for the assurance that their bills will be consistent month to month. A very limited subset of users do heavy streaming or tethering, and the carriers have the right to limit or cancel their service if they find out.
Except on point 1a, the solution to that is 'supposedly' being deployed this year.
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