Sprint Launches PTT
Nov 17, 2003, 1:24 PM by (staff)
Sprint today became the second major carrier to launch a Push-To-Talk (PTT) service to compete with Nextel's walkie-talkie style service. Sprint's service, called PCS Ready Link(SM), is available nationwide starting today. The service allows both one-on-one and group PTT calling (up to five people). Ready Link phones include both personal and business contact lists and groups lists, separate from standard phone books. The Ready Link lists can be managed from the web. The service costs $15 per month for unlimited use, or $5 for PCS Vision users. Two Sanyo phones are available for the service, including a ruggedized model and a clamshell model.
better phones
Ready Link is awesome. Only a 0.5 sec delay.
Reuters Article
http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNew ... »
Even though initial connections take four or more seconds, if the two-way conversation is instant after that, I would be satisfied.
Does anyone have any experience with Verizon's two-way service? Is it the same with theirs?