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Nokia Preparing to Replace CEO

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Jul 19, 2010, 7:45 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today the Wall Street Journal reports that Nokia is looking to replace its current CEO, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, who has headed the firm since 2006. Nokia's shareholders have expressed doubt in Mr. Kallasvuo's ability to lead the company out of a downward spiral that it has been in for several years. In the last three months alone, Nokia's stock value has dropped by 40% as the company has failed to field a new phone able to compete with the likes of Android, iPhone and BlackBerry. According to the Journal's sources, Nokia wants to make a decision on the matter by the end of July. The company has interviewed several candidates from the U.S. Nokia has recently reorganized its top executives and reorganized its internal structure, but has continued to lose market share. Nokia declined to comment for the Journal's story.



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Jul 19, 2010, 8:48 PM

Nokia's real problem--

--is the States. Apparently no one wants Symbian anything. Me? I dig Symbian. I think it's top notch. But all the tweenies want Android and iOS4. RIM better watch its ass, too.
Symbian (S60) was the best Smartphone OS back in 2006. Since then it's managed to get worse- especially during its inelegant transition to the touch UI.

The problem now is that Android, WebOS, and iOS all offer developers more advanced API's, and R...

Jul 19, 2010, 9:42 PM

Hard to imagine a less competently run company

I'm almost amazed at how out-of-touch Nokia is. I'd say Microsoft is just as bad, except they at least killed the KIN before it got too painful and the jury is still out on Windows Phone 7.

Nokia on the other hand is such a fustercluck I don't even know where to begin.

First off, their OS strategy is a trainwreck. It's been a trainwreck for about the past 5 years, but S60 was so good for an OS back in 2004 that all it took were minor improvements to put it ahead of the spartan Blackberry OS, dated Palm OS, and craptacular Windows Mobile.

Now they've got some 3 OS's- Maemo, Meego, and Symbian, each one with a more glacial development pace than the last. Meanwhile even all-but-bankrupt Palm managed to put out a stellar OS that blew...

Jul 19, 2010, 8:19 PM

it' about time!

i havnt bought a nokia for over 10 years! that should tell you something!
Windows anyone?
flip mode

Jul 19, 2010, 7:59 PM

Dear Nokia Clause...

This Christmas I want to see Nokia come out with an Android super flat phone with a hi-res screen like the iPhone 4 or the EVO 4G and maybe the same phone with a slide out keyboard. I used to be in love with Nokia during the days of old featuring TDMA/Analog/Cingular/Ameritech Cellular/Cellular One. I wish Nokia would ask me to help them design a phone for today. It would be the sickest phone ever. 😎

🤣 i wish
Dear Nokia,
I heard you need a new CEO. I'm ya huckleberry. 😎
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