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Opera Mini 5.1 Dressed and Ready For Android Market

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Jul 14, 2010, 2:00 AM   by Philip Berne

Opera has taken its Mini browser out of beta testing for the Android platform. Opera Mini 5.1 is available as a free download either from the Android Market or directly from Opera. The beta program for the browser had been running since March. The Opera Mini browser offers a unique tabbed browsing interface, a polished user interface and Opera's server-side acceleration for the Opera Mini browser. With the Mini browser, Opera's servers compress images and text from Web pages and sends this compressed data to the phone. This enhances the speed at which pages load on the phone's Opera Mini browser.

source: Opera



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flip mode

Jul 14, 2010, 1:54 PM


dumb question...is it there

Jul 14, 2010, 11:12 AM

we need opera mobile

This version doesn't support adobe flash even with froyo and flash 10.1 installed.
We need a smarter version, not regular phone version.

Jul 14, 2010, 11:10 AM


Does this new system run flash video better then the phone does now? Maybe even better then Skyfire?

Jul 14, 2010, 9:25 AM

But did they fix the major issue?

In Beta OM 5.1 will load someone elses secure page, i.e. If i was to log onto bank of americas website with Opera on my Android device, I just might be logged into john smith's account automatically because that person was the last to access the site from an Android Mobile device. In its Beta stage it was a very unsecure browser, just wondering if that was addressed and rectified before final release.
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