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Slow AT&T Upload Speeds Caused By Software Defect

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Jul 7, 2010, 11:30 AM   by Philip Berne

AT&T has explained the slow upload speeds that customers have been experiencing while using HSUPA-enabled devices. AT&T reps tell PhoneScoop that a software defect in equipment provided by Alcatel-Lucent is causing problems for less than two percent of AT&T's users. Alcatel-Lucent is still working on a fix, and until then these customers will experience normal 3G uplink speeds.

source: AT&T



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Jul 7, 2010, 8:09 PM

Apple has the...

...magic reception bar problem, and AT&T the magic upload software glitch.

I wonder if they take us for idiots.
Considering this is another thing where the MANUFACTURER issues caused the problem and not the provider...

If it was an AT&T issue, why would the manuf. be looking into changes to correct the issue?

Did you miss the part where it said "equipment...
flip mode

Jul 7, 2010, 2:58 PM

Magic Formula

AT&T: "Hey Steve Jobs, we need something to fend off complaints of terrible upload speeds, we don't wanna spend money to really fix it or admit fault! What can we do?"

Steve Jobs: Relax, just do what I did when I had my back against the wall over the antenna flaw of the iPhone 4, tell them the "formula" in the software was all wrong.

🤣 😈
Or maybe, just maybe, there really is a software bug as the manufacturer apparently admitted.

Is a software bug really so implausible that it has to be attributed to some kind of conspiracy or cover up?

Companies send out bad software updates ...

Jul 7, 2010, 12:16 PM


Does "less than two percent of AT&T's users" include those that don't have HSUPA-enabled devices? I'm sorry AT&T, but those 98% of users not trying to upload anything don't care. I guess that's better PR than saying a 100%(?) of HSUPA-enabled device users (the one's that do care about this issue) are affected.
Only readers of this post are going to care, and even they won't be able to notice the difference.


Thing is, since this is a newer feature, most people probably haven't experienced the higher upload speeds yet.
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