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Aug 3, 2005, 7:00 PM   by Eric Lin

A comprehensive look at the E-911 issue and the technology behind it. A complete survey of the initiative's history and current status.

In 1996, back when cell phones were still a luxury item, a very forward thinking Federal Communications Commission (FCC) declared a set of requirements and deadlines for locating emergency calls originating from mobile phones. Known as enhanced 911, or e911, the requirements gave carriers 5 years to implement technologies that would accurately locate callers in distress. Nine years later, with the FCC's final deadline five months away, only about half of wireless callers can be accurately located.



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Aug 3, 2005, 10:33 PM


😈 😈 😈 let me say one thing... many people still don't even have a wireless and now the FCC says that it is the CARRIER'S responsibility to make sure that all of they wireless suscribers have to have e911 phone...that is bull crap. Sure it is usefull and life saving, but so is ADT and
Slomin Shield and i haven't heard of a government imposed free security system law...SCREW THE FCC AND ALL IT'S CRAP IT WON"T EVEN LEAVE STERN ALONE!!!!!

by the way i am suprised that the maker of this site wasted his time on this crap...but oh well.
😕 We just wanted to cover the issue from all sides. I don't think Eric was biased toward the FCC in the article.

But, just for the sake of arguing the FCC's case...

The whole reason for E-911 is that with regular 911, the operator knows where y...

Sep 14, 2005, 3:37 PM

carriers network rolls back phase II to phase I

In Denver a carrier's modification of their network for unrelated changes disenabled phase two compliance and rolled compliance back to phase one for many months.

this was a known issue and told to the local authoritities ahead of time. The fact is that this can happen with any carrier and not to assume that phase to is current on any particular day.

Sep 14, 2005, 11:42 AM

check your local situation

In colorado the e911 system did not exist 10 years ago and only recently came online in some of the smaller municipalities. This is referring to land lines.

The state's emergency management does not coordinate 911 in Colorado or really have anything to do with the emergency centers receiving the calls. They are all locally controlled and coordinated.

The funds collected via the tarrif does go to the PSAP but can be used for a variety of operational costs including upgrades but not exclusively for upgrades. Many PSAP also use general funds for their upgrades.


You should check with your state PUC to determine the current statut of your PSAP (in colorado their are over 40 PSAPs). A list ...

Aug 8, 2005, 3:27 PM

Question About A-GPS with Verizon

We have Verizon Wireless with E-911 and if we are in a building where normal GPS dosent work so will A-GPS 911 work, also does anyone know when Verizon will come out with LBS, Thanks
Maybe. A-GPS can work in many places where normal GPS cannot, but there's no guarantee. That's why the FCC requirements are that it work a certain percentage of the time - because there's no technology available that will work in all situations.

Aug 4, 2005, 8:05 PM

Hey Rich Question

Hey Mr. Brome. I had a question are there anyway for people or the government to access E911 gps without the person dialing 911 or could the FCC change it so anyone could use it to catch criminals. I mean had someone Friends who were freaked which is why they refuse to go E911 phone with gps they don't think it safe to have one. What are the odds government would use to track criminals at one point. Can it only be accessed when someone dials 911.
They use network triangulation today. What's the difference?

Aug 4, 2005, 10:05 AM

Interesting piece

So, since Eric wrote this one...Nice job Eric!

All the phone reviews and releases and conferences are great but some days (especially when we're in a sales slump and the carriers are jerking us around like now) I just don't care about Samsung's latest gadget. This piece was really intresting as I had no idea it was such a complex (nor depressing, nor frustrating... 😡 😕 )situation. Knowing alot more now, I am going to look into where compliance is at near me. Since I'm the cell guru in my social circle, if compliance isn't up to snuff I think I might send out a mass email to my address book to talk to their state reps.

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