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Sprint Trimming Work Force By 8,000

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Jan 26, 2009, 8:31 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today Sprint announced that it is taking drastic cost-cutting measures in an effort to save money. Part of the cost cutting comes in the form of staff reductions. Sprint will layoff 8,000 employees by March 31, with about 10% of that figure coming through the voluntary separation plan announced in late 2008. Sprint said the layoffs will hit every level of its business. Other cost-cutting measures include a freeze in salary increases, a freeze in 401(k) matching, and a freeze in its tuition reimbursement program. Sprint has lost millions of customers over the last year. It will announce its fourth quarter results February 19.



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Jan 27, 2009, 10:01 AM


I will never understand how people can be happy that others are losing their jobs. maybe you dislike Sprint for one reason or another but wishing a company ill will on that company is pretty silly. Competition is key in all business and if Sprint were to go out of business you can sure bet that your VZW and ATT plan prices will increase. My bet is that most of the bashing is being done by folks that have never had Sprint and for some "elementary" reason are in love with their carrier. I have had all the major carriers over the last 12 years and the all have their issues. I have never been in love with any of them. My family is still on T-Mobile and I have to say that the supposed "award winning" CS that you all read about is total BS. T-Mobi...
its funny, you just contradicted yourself about carrier bashing and "being in love with their carrier"... thats just funny to me, and about t-mobile's so called "bs" CS rating... i guess ill just take your word about it over 4 years of proven ratings,...
I must say, Sprint has brought this on their self. I have been a Sprint customer for many years and currently have six lines (not including my business account with Nextel with many more). I have no complaints of their wireless service as it is grea...

Jan 26, 2009, 8:48 AM


sorry sprint employees. time to apply at att or vzw
Yeah, I work for Sprint and I am seriously afraid for this one. I don't work for the busier stores in my city (Service and Repair) so I am getting very worried. For a while, I was just happy that I had a job that paid me pretty well, but now I am worr...
Yeah....cause AT&T and Verizon didn't announce any layoff's either......wait.......they both did too you moron!!!

Although it sucks for those employee's, it's necessary in today's economy, and to maintain cheaper rates than both AT&T and Verizon. ...

Jan 27, 2009, 7:39 AM

Sprint isn't that bad

I have had Sprint for about 7 months now and really can't find anything to complain about. My phone (Moto Q) works well, has all the features, TV, Navigation, etc, and connects everywhere I go.

I've also got Verizon and T-Mobile Accounts (long story relating to work) and find Sprint a better deal financially than Verizon's plans, and just better than T-Mobile.

Sprint's customer service is responsive, prices fair, features great.

Maybe I am missing something here - a ghost from the past perhaps.
I have to agree with BradQue.

Jan 26, 2009, 1:09 PM

Sprint is going down! Yay

Yes, their trying to save money but they've been going down. They keep trying to bring it back up, but I believe once a company has be established as a horrible company it has little to no change of recovery. If I worked for them I'd been gone a long time ago to another major carrier where there is more job security than Sprint. Looks like your forced to jump ship.. into the waters of At&t/Verizon/T-mobile..hardy har
Hmmmm......so Sprint announces 8000 layoff's and they are going down??? So since AT&T just announced that they are laying off 12000 employee's, what does that mean for them, bankrupt? Brilliant, you are brilliant, please enlighten us some more with ...
You talk like we are all retail employees who can walk down the strip mall and drop our apps off at the other cell phone stores. You talk like all companies are openly hiring in this economy. You do realize that a majority of the jobs in question are ...
you forgot about metro....they are comin up 😛
Do you even know what you're talking about? Besides the shamefull act of calling for thousands of employees to loose their jobs, you're now trying to say that becuase of 8000 job trimmings, the company is folding?

Yeah, you already spread your "bri...

Jan 26, 2009, 11:16 AM

As a subscriber of Sprint...

I would like to offer up my sincere best of luck to all you Sprint employees that read Phone Scoop. This is a very difficult time for the whole country. Not just Sprint. I hope that all of you may indeed keep yor jobs through this difficult economy. Sprint has been the very best carrier I have ever delt with in recent history and you should be proud to be part of this accomplishmment. Dan has done a great job since his inception but time is needed to heal the damage that prior leadership caused.

Good luck to all of you. Thanks for the best service and uncompromised treatment that can be delivered in the wireless industry!

Sprint is bad!!! Try calling their customer service and the fun begins !! It's called the indian transfer game!! Call for something simple such as a esn change or a feature change and they say I have to transfer you to someone else and then you get tr...

Jan 27, 2009, 8:16 AM


Can't we all just get along and stop treading negativity through these waters of econimic crisis. For crying out loud! If your own lives had lead you to employment with someone who was constantly being bashed (Wal-Mart, Sprint, etc.), then you would be tired of hearing everybody bashing on everybody else just because they don't meet the expectations of every single consumer in the USA! Seriously, people. Grow up and make educated comments, or don't comment at all!

Jan 27, 2009, 4:37 AM

half happy and half sad....

i'm happy that sprint is getting what they deserve but i also feel sorry that the soon-to-be former employees will suffer more

Jan 26, 2009, 12:48 PM

And they want the government to give them what?

and this is why my argument was valid on the 2 billion dollar attachment to the stimulus package. I hope People realize that there will only be a couple cell providers within the next 5 or so years.. i see the outcome being verizon and at&t in the local scheme of things. and the only way for any company other then the fore-mentioned is to have a niche
Sprint will get the 2billion because it is for emergency systems not for paychecks or surviving on.

USA needs as many carriers as possible to keep competition high and prices low.

So to all of you haters that are high fives with eachother when...

Jan 26, 2009, 9:18 AM

I laughed though

I laughed at the part about them doing well with customers. If they are doing so well why are they bleeding customers like a trauma victim. I have one expired contract now and a second that lapses in March the iPhone is what the wife and I both are looking at at that time unless the come up with something in the Android family by then.
opps need to link to this http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/20090126/ap_on_ hi_te/sprint_nextel_job_cuts
Again, it's mostly Nextel subscribers who are leaving the company for more data features. Look at the review on the Blackberry Curve on Nextel, people are giving it a horrible review because it lacks the media features they thought it would have. Does...
rjflyn said:
I laughed at the part about them doing well with customers. If they are doing so well why are they bleeding customers like a trauma victim. I have one expired contract now and a second that lapses in March the iPhone
I think you answered your own questions. Although Sprint is doing better, most people want to just try other things. You said it best yourself, you're not leaving because you are completely disatisfied, you are leaving because you want a phone Sprin...

Jan 26, 2009, 6:02 PM

Easy solution around this

I work with but not for Sprint, and in my time working with this company the hardest part of my day is the Outsourced reps overseas.

It would be a no brainer to drop those jobs first and keep the American workers.

But then that would make sense, hense why it will not happen.

Jan 26, 2009, 1:42 PM


After reading all (currently) 27 posts. This news sure has sparked some emotion. 😳

Jan 26, 2009, 9:43 AM

i do feel bad

Yea, I'm a huge vzw person, but these are still working people with a family maybe. But we knew sprint wasn't doing to well. I think there 4th Q stuff isn't going to be so good. Verizon will be hireing, there always looking, even now because of the merge.
I wouldn't be to sure. Layoffs are happening all over and I doubt Verizon would be immune. Also, mergers always mean layoffs as there's always duplication of function.
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