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Review: HTC Droid Incredible

Form Basics Extras Wrap-Up Comments  100+  

Music Camera Photos/Video Browse/Customize Extras  

HTC has upgraded the music experience a bit for the Incredible. Not the function so much as the form. The music application does all the same things, but it does them with more style. HTC has updated all the icons and the way users can sift from song to song when using the application. The underlying architecture supporting the application doesn't appear to have been updated all that much, but the new icons really do make a difference.

You can sort through tunes in the usual way, via artist, song, album, genre, composer, etc. There are no V CAST apps on this device, so if you want to purchase music, you'll have to do so from the Amazon MP3 store. Oh, but you'll have to download the Amazon MP3 Store app, first.

I am actually pleasantly stunned that the Incredible isn't laden with Verizon's V CAST (a.k.a buy stuff here!!!) apps. If you want to purchase media through the device, you have to be pretty serious about it.

Music playback sounded so-so through the speaker, great through stereo headphones, and acceptable through stereo Bluetooth headphones.

There still isn't any sort of equalizer, but the Incredible offers the first music experience on an Android phone that I don't hate.

It also packs in an FM radio, which must be used with headphones. Reception wasn't that great. My favorite station, which is broadcast from about three miles from my house, sounded somewhat scratchy. Weird.

There is a problem, however. There is still no native video player on board. This is ridiculous. There are a number of video players available for free in the Android Market, but c'mon! For a device that shoots HD video, how can there be no freaking video player! Ridiculous! This is a Google/Android problem more than an HTC/Verizon problem, but HTC and Verizon could have done something about it and chose not to.

For shame.


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