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Sprint Announces Slew of New Devices with New User Interface

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Sep 10, 2008, 8:00 AM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Sep 10, 2008, 11:48 AM

Today Sprint announced its entire fall line up of phones. Three of them will use a brand new user interface called One Click. One Click offers quick access to Sprint Music Store, Sprint Navigation, Web surfing, email, texting and other features of the phones.

source: Sprint



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Sep 10, 2008, 11:59 AM

Opera Mini Browser - One Click

I just hope that this new One Click interface makes it easy to add and, more importantly, access 3rd party apps like Opera Mini browser. Uniformly, the web browser on such phones is a lousy POS and the Opera Mini browser is far, far superior. Yet most of these phones make it difficult to "one click" or even four click access such 3rd party apps, instead burying such user-installed apps deep down multiple menu levels. I hope these new phones and their new UI makes it possible to install apps such as Opera Mini at a UI level equal or near equal to any builtin functions (e.g. email, web, contacts, etc).
Opera mini will not work. It's made for PDA phones, Plus Sprint doesn't allow 3rd apps on their regular handsets unless you buy them through Sprint.
Yeah this 'new interface' doesn't look like its going to be THAT much different, I think its just the main screen or home screen of the phone that was focused on.

Sep 10, 2008, 9:37 AM

I call BS

The Samsung Rant...

Dual slider....?

Looks like just a side-slider to me.

AND a blatant knock off of the Rumor/Scoop.

Maybe just me...
actually its more like their M520 with the addition of the slide out keyboard.
I think you're right on, rgates. They got the dual slider part wrong. And design-wise, it looks just like a rumor. Hopefully it will be a better quality device though.
The Highnote is a dual-slider.

- VDubb

Sep 10, 2008, 8:22 AM

Just to let everyone know...

I have been a cellphone user since '84 and have had every major us carrier. 2 years ago I would not have given 10 cents for Sprint as a carrier. But after have been back with them for a year and a half, ( yes I did return with much apprehension) They have been excellent across the board and them coming out with some good products like these lately has been a refreshing welcome from the old Sprint.
i second this post

i agree as a former sales rep for sprint and current manager at radioshack I am glad to see what Dan the Man Hesse is doing with Sprint.

Sep 11, 2008, 3:16 PM


I'm getting excited to be a sprint dealer again. these are going to be some killer phones... As long as the CS keeps improving like the phones are, sprint will be all set.

I like the job dan hesse is doing. Sprint should be gaining customers again as soon as summer 09.

Sep 11, 2008, 2:47 PM

Another great phone to look for is coming...

although not confirmed, I heard Sprint is supposed to get their version of Verizon's Voyager by end of year. This is a major turnaround for this company. Between mixtures of Cool and Productive devices coupled with better customer service, I am getting so Stoked!

Sep 10, 2008, 9:26 AM

About Time

I work for Sprint and I must say we are definatly turning things around. Not only with customer service to keep current customers but the new devices to reward them and hopefully regain our customer base. 🤤 We havent been the leader in devices for a long time and I think with these, it is starting to change that.
I agree aren't you happy? I smell money pouring in soon.
Any info on the Rant? I love LG but I dont think I like that Lotus. The rant looks pretty good as long as the screen and camera are better than the LG Rumor.
I work for Sprint also and I'm just as excited. Things are turning around for us. Better plans available and customer service is doing a ton better than in the past. The new lineups for Sprint this will defintally have us turning towards a greater dir...
😎 I also work for sprint and I must say that this is exactly what we have been missing. For far too long have I seen the newest, coolest, most powerful phones with our competitors. It'll be nice to be able to say that we carry some of the heavy hitte...

Sep 10, 2008, 9:00 AM


The new "One-Click" on-top interface signals the importance for more intuitive navigation on entry-level phones. It's an evolutionary innovation with clear ties to the iPhone and Instinct GUIs, and a welcome trickle down improvement.

VZW's interface on the LG Dare offers similar functionality (keep it coming).
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