Samsung Offers Windows Mobile 6.1 Upgrade to BlackJack II
Comments 6
Sep 3, 2008, 7:50 AM by Eric M. Zeman
The software upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.1 adds threaded SMS, better GPS support, a revised user interface and other features.
Samsung »
I did the upgrade on my blackjaack 2, now my phone turns on fine BUT freezes when it gets to the windows mobile screen??????
I followed the directions to a tee.
dunno what happened.........
How to download the file
Samsung has a confusing link system going on their site so it may not be obvious where the 6.1 download actually is.
You will have to click on the Windows Vista or XP picture to guide you to the download area and even then it's 3 or 4 windows in.
Word of Advice!!!
becareful when upgrading to windows 6.1. I upgraded my mogul and it eliminated puch roaming. its a good upgrade, but I was disappointed in the elimination of that feature. if you push roam, think twice or ask questions.
Push Roam? If it is what I think, being able to access VZW if needed, this is not the same as with a GSM phone. No PRLs (or whatever its called) are used.
Hope update for Ace is soon
I can't wait for them to update Sumsung Ace to WM6.1
i know ive been waiting too...