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Company to Offer Motion-Based Phone Charger

Article Comments  15  

Aug 25, 2008, 2:40 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

A company called M2E Power is developing technology that will harness the kinetic movement of the human body to charge electronic devices, including cellular phones. The charging station would be a small device worn on the body. Whenever the wearer moves, such as walking or running, the movement will create and store electrical energy in a battery. The battery can then be used to charge or power a mobile device. M2E Power suggests that 6 hours worth of activity could provide 30 to 60 minutes of talk time. The company expects to have the device to market in 2009.

Wireless Week »



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Aug 25, 2008, 3:08 PM

I guess it might be useful on the golf course

I don't know many times that I'm away from my car or a wall outlet for a period of time where this would be much use.
that you do not live an active life style, but for many people who walk around or jog daily its a really awesome way to charge your phone.

imagine if you use your phone as an mp3 player while joging or walking and you could charge it at the same ti...

Aug 25, 2008, 10:27 PM

Environmental issues

Exercise issues aside, having something like this available would cut down on unnecessary use of energy. There've been many articles talking about how much wasted electricity that the wallwarts use. Wouldn't this be a nice subtle way for the cell companies to go green?
I've had a selfwinding watch for a number of years and its done well for me. I was just thinking about something like this the other day built into dress shoes, but having a device like a reverse pedometer that generates electricity would be great.

Aug 25, 2008, 7:39 PM

Complications (speculative)

I don't know how heavy a kinetic charger would be but I'm guessing that if it's enough mass to charge a battery it's going to be a noticeable weight in your pocket or whatever, I hope they have a solution that's not too bulky. I guess we won't know until it's on the shelves 😉

Aug 25, 2008, 6:54 PM

This techonology would never sell well in America

Our fat and lazy culture will ruin us.

"Oh no my phone is dieing! time to loose weight!"

yeah right....
Tmo Slave

Aug 25, 2008, 4:51 PM

Would be cool

If they combined this with the company that is doing the wireless charging. Have something in your pocket that charges your phone wirelessly as you walk. But blasts your crotch with radiation. 😳

Aug 25, 2008, 2:57 PM


not bad while ur at werk. Just charge ur phone at the end of the day
let me see here. Im fat and lazy. if I go to the fridge , get a beer then go back to the couch , I would only average a 2min talk time. 😁
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