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C Block Hits $4.6 Billion Reserve, Triggers Open Access

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Jan 31, 2008, 12:30 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today the C Block of 700 MHz spectrum being auctioned off by the FCC surpassed the reserve price of $4.6 billion. That block of spectrum, which includes two 11 MHz pairs covering large swathes of the U.S., received a bid of $4.7 billion from one of the undisclosed bidders this morning. The C Block reached $4.3 billion early during yesterday's bidding, but failed to get any bids later in the day. Now that the reserve price has been reached, whichever company ends up winning that spectrum will be required to provide open network access to any device that is compatible with the network. The next bid for the C Block must be at least $5.3 billion. Google had expressed interest in the C Block and pushed the FCC to add the open access measure. It said it would bid the necessary $4.6 billion. Who is competing with Google for that spectrum remains secret, but Verizon Wireless in the most likely candidate. Total bids for all of the blocks has reached $12.8 billion, well above the government's goal of at least $10 billion.

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Feb 4, 2008, 12:12 PM

What should Google do?

I really dislike the idea of wireless carriers consolidating. I believe it is bad for consumers and for employees of the wireless carriers. Is Google seriously considering building a wireless carrier from the ground up? If so that will be a costly endeavor. I have an idea, however. I think Google should purchase an existing wireless carrier with a network already built out and add the newly purchase spectrum to that company's assets. Likely targets? Sprint. Currently, Sprint is simply reeling. It is a decent company with plenty of spectrum and operating on a good network platform. Sprint's problem is a horrible company culture and even worse reputation for customer service. Enter: Google. A brand which shines like a supernova. ...
You bring up some good points. The open access requirement for owners of the C Block seems like it's a reality thanks to Google. But now what? Google may or may not start a new wireless division. Now, the auction isn't over yet and there is new biddin...

Jan 31, 2008, 1:25 PM

Dont worry about Verizon winning

Google has 12 Billion in cash and ZERO debt vs Verizon's 1.5 Billon in cash and a WHOPPING 31 BIllion in DEBT!!!!

Google can wipe the floor with Verizon in this process if they want to.
wow i didnt know it was that much, interesting to say the least.
Where do you get your info about the companies Assets? I am not a VZW Fan but; how do you know that Vodaphone (Who Owns 60% of VZW and main share holder) would not step up and supply the funds for the auction?

I still feel that GOOGLE has a bett...
Not sure where you are getting your info but this is what I got from the Verizonwireless website:


37 cents in EPS and 62 cents in adjusted EPS (non-GAAP), compared with 4Q 2006 EPS of 48 cents and 52 cents, respectively, from ...

Jan 31, 2008, 12:50 PM

Hope verizon losses

Their so called open access will somehow come with a lot of lame rules, C'mon google then partner up with Sprint!!!!!!!!!
Sprint is on the verge of giving up the business. HAHA Verizon will own them soon.
The only lame rule is that the device meets pre-set standards designed to make sure the phones aren't capable og corrupting the network.

Hey BROWN, do you actually have a clue about the wireless industry or are you a serial hater? My guess would b...

Feb 1, 2008, 11:24 AM

Can someone please explain...

...how the FCC put a frequency up for bids? 🤨
Basically, there is a limited amount of radio spectrum in existence, and the government decided that it should be regulated in order to assure the maximization of public good from a limited resource.

In FM radio, for example, only one station in an...

Jan 31, 2008, 1:59 PM

You guys are crazy!

The only reason GOOGLE bid at least min. price was to get the open access rules instantiated. Google does not want the spectrum, its not in their business model. They want whoever wins the spectrum to have any application (Google's applications) run on the network. Verizon has access to alot more money than whatever cash they actually have and will be able to get all the spectrum they want.
wecivus said:
The only reason GOOGLE bid at least min. price was to get the open access rules instantiated. Google does not want the spectrum, its not in their business model. They want whoever wins the spectrum to have any appli
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