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RIM to Update BlackBerry Features

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Jan 22, 2008, 10:30 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today Research In Motion announced that it will upgrade the features on its BlackBerry smartphones. Rather than receiving an entirely new platform, RIM will roll out the following software upgrades during the first half of the year. The inbox will get HTML and Rich Text support, so emails can be seen in their original format, including graphics, fonts, and colors. Users also will be able to search their remote email servers for old emails, see the availability of contacts prior to sending meeting invites, and use presence features to see when IM contacts are available for chats or phone calls. Lastly, RIM is adding Documents To Go from DataViz so users can download and edit Microsoft Office documents.



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Jan 26, 2008, 9:23 AM

Tentative Date

Any new news on the date this update will roll out?

Jan 23, 2008, 1:32 PM

Excellent news indeed!

Finally RIM is adding these features! This may finally sway the rest of potential BB users away from WM6+. Default email system is great, but I'd love to view the header images. Docs to go has been necessary for some time, though not for editing purposes. just being able to save an .xls/.xlsx to your device is important enough to warrant the addition. Thanks RIM!

Jan 22, 2008, 12:09 PM

How do we get the updates?

Like the subject line says, how will we know when they become available? And then how will we get them?

RIM didn't provide a time frame. It only said they will be available in the first half of 2008. It didn't say what form (i.e., OTA updates, or PC-based downloads) the updates will come in.
These features will be available with the OS 4.3 update. It will be a download off their website that you'll apply from your PC

Jan 22, 2008, 1:13 PM

BES only?

Just making sure I read this right, but it seems to me like (obviously) that this is geared towards BES customers. But does that include items like the docs on the go and html email viewing? I.E. will it only be available to those using BES, or are these just general handheld improvements?
Some of the services will be available to all users, and some to BES customers.

THe remote email server search and presence will require specific email server settings, but the Docs to Go and HTML emails will be supported for all users.

Jan 22, 2008, 1:00 PM

Docs to Go!!

that's awesome! i'm glad they are making this available for my BB. it has always been one of my biggest selling points for Palm devices, and now i can use it to lift my BB sales. not to mention i can create/edit documents on my phone now! i would assume this means we can actually start downloading these attatchments to our phones when they are attatched to emails also.

this just makes me happy! 😁
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