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Reorganization At Palm Contributes to Layoffs

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Dec 13, 2007, 12:36 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Dec 14, 2007, 9:08 AM

Palm has laid off more than 100 people, or about 10% of its workforce, as well as reassigned some of its employees in an on-going internal reorganization that it hopes will help revive the company. Palm brought in a former Apple employee, Jon Rubinstein, to help resurrect the smartphone maker's lineup of devices. He had a hand in crafting the final stages of the recently released Centro, and is concentrating the company's efforts on finalizing its next-generation operating system so it can launch fully realized new devices in late 2008 or early 2009. Palm has struggled recently to retain a hold of the smartphone market. Its share stands at just 4%, while competitors such as RIM and Nokia have grabbed 9% and 46%, respectively.

Wall Street Journal »
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Dec 13, 2007, 8:10 PM

Palms Problems are Self-Inflicted

Most of Palms problems are self-inflicted by incompetent management. Unfortunately, the management will remain until they receive a "golden parachute" to leave. In the mean time, it is the valuable employees of Palm that will loose their jobs.
I agree, this company self destructed, either by selling off their OS, or separating the company in two. And thats only the start. They've been promising a new OS for about two years now, which will be Linux based, now they say another year.


Dec 13, 2007, 7:30 PM

The problem

Biggest problem with the Treo line as far as my stores are concerned is the exhorbant price. Full retail on the Treos runs about $600, while other comparable PDAs/smartphones average $100-200 cheaper, and have the same featureset.

Our Blackberry sales have soared, and now make up at least 2/3 of our PDA sales.
BB's are takin over...they are so damn stable and they look so great! Im sitting here looking at my 8830 and its just a gorgeous phone. Treo's and a look of the pocket Pc's are heavy and clunky.

Palm needs a complete overhaul and give their fans ...

Dec 13, 2007, 4:42 PM


Merry Christmas faithful Palm employees!

We couldn't wait until January, we decided it would be a good idea to fire a bunch of people right before Christmas.

Good one!
I know! That's so wrong! And their market share is dropping, hummm...

It's not the people, it's their devices!! Palm has some decent models out there, however they just need to rework the design of them. My experience with them comes down to the bu...
Wasn't PALM going to get bought by Nokia or Motorola? Too bad they didn't take them up on that offer, because I am sure they would not want them now. We deal with some PALM folks at my work, and they are SO difficult to work with/for, it is not surp...
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