FCC Approves HTC's 3G Kaiser
Jul 26, 2007, 10:55 AM by (staff)
Three separate models of the forthcoming smartphone were approved yesterday by the FCC. All three versions come with GSM 850/1900 and HSDPA 850/1900 radios, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. The biggest difference between the three models is the camera. According to the FCC documents, the Kaiser 100 has a 3 megapixel camera on the back of the device, the Kaiser 110 has no camera, and the Kaiser 120 has the 3 megapixel, back-mounted camera, as well as a user-facing VGA camera. This could allow for applications such as video conferencing. Nothing in the documents notes which carrier the Kaiser is slated for, but given its HSDPA 850/1900 configuration, it is likely headed to AT&T.
"How do you shoot the deveil in the back? What if you miss?"
"I say he'll flip ya!"
"He'll what?"
"Flip ya, flip ya for real."
"yeah? I'm shakin'."
New Name for at&t
Why AT&T?!
Because HTC is in the business of selling phones through carriers and AT&T is the US carrier with the most users - thus, the most potential sales.
T-Mob doesn't have an operating 3G network yet so who is going to ante up the extra bucks for...
why even bother??