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Google Fi Adds a Cheaper Unlimited Plan

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Apr 23, 2021, 12:24 PM   by Rich Brome

Google's MVNO Google Fi has added a new, cheaper Unlimited plan option. The old Unlimited plan is unchanged except it's now called Unlimited Plus. The new Simply Unlimited plan is $10/month cheaper but drops international calling, international data roaming, full-speed mobile hotspot, and 100 GB of cloud storage. Simply Unlimited is $60/month for a single line, $45/line for two lines, or $30/line for three or more lines.


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Apr 24, 2021, 1:14 PM

Google Fi is still too expensive.

I have Fi on a Pixel 5, several months ago I added the new phone. My Pixel 3 became all swollen like an ice cream sandwich. I managed to get the sim out and got the phone out of my house. I do love Fi for travel out of the country. My iPhone 12 Mac Pro is used here at home. Recently I signed up with Visible, Its wholly owned by Verizon. Its pretty much exact service at a cheaper price. $40. per month prepaid on my visa and that includes everything. I only wish FI was cheaper to use here at home like Visible. I don't use any data on Google Fi. while here in the US. Its just too Expensive at $10. per Gig. At Visible I get 4G &5G unlimited for that $40. I don't want to pay more than I have to, however Visible is a greater bargain tha...
With the combination of Sprint and T-Mobile, there is less a reason to use Fi over T-Mobile since you have one less network to use for better speed or coverage (TMo is rapidly refarming Sprint's spectrum so kinda pointless).
Dollar for Dollar, you'r...
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