Cingular Joins Unlimited Messaging Club
Apr 26, 2007, 12:31 PM by (staff)
AT&T (Cingular) yesterday announced messaging and data plans that include unlimited messages. For users who only send and receive messages, but do not use any data, unlimited text and multimedia messages will cost $20 per month. AT&T also offers new MEdia bundle that include unlimited messaging as well as unlimited data for $40. In addition to these two unlimited plans, subscribers can add unlimited messaging to other AT&T subscribers (unlimited M2M) to any messaging or data plan for $5 per month. Verizon also recently introduced select plans with unlimited messaging; Sprint and select MVNOs already offer the feature.
T-Mobile already does this... but less expensively
The fact remains.....they are still t-mobile. So who cares?
When t-mobile launches their 3g i might switch back because their 900mhz ...
Will verizon ever lower data prices???
So basically if you need unl data and a lot texts the minimum you will pay is $110 plus taxes/fees. And that will only inlclude $450 min! At cingular, based on the new bundle I think that would only cost $80.
Verizon, you stepped up with the increase in lower data rates to a more reasonable price.
O Diddy
cwcanty said:...
So basically if you need unl data and a lot texts the minimum you will pay is $110 plus taxes/fees. And that will only inlclude $450 min! At cingular, based on the new bundle I think that would only cost $80.
didnt lauch yesterday