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Helio to Shut Down Hybrid

Article Comments  7  

Apr 19, 2007, 2:28 PM   by (staff)

Helio will shut down its Hybrid EV-DO / Wi-Fi service starting May 8th. Users of the service will still be able to access the Boingo Hotspots and 3G data service through May 7th, but afterwards, the cards will no longer work. Hybrid blended Wi-Fi and EV-DO radio technologies and used software to control which radio was connected to the Internet, automatically switching to the cheapest connection. Helio put a notice on its site saying that users are welcome to keep their cards, and that all accounts will be billed a prorated amount up until May 7th. If accounts were already charged for service past May 7th, a refund will be issued.

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Apr 19, 2007, 4:47 PM

helio data sucks like HELL

check out engadgetmobile.com
though Helio states "unlimited", it still has 160MB cap
what the.....?!
way too stingy
Good one. Ming.

Helio is better off getting rid of hybrid. Def not enough room in the market for an MVNO that isn't even a year old yet. The resources that are free'd up from Hybrid will probably go towards the Ocean.

Apr 19, 2007, 4:36 PM

Just another reason...

...to stay away from MVNO's.
what are some other reasons? My MVNO has worked out perfectly. Word on the forums is the same too.
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