New Network Could Compete With Cellular Phone Service
Jan 11, 2006, 8:40 PM by (staff)
Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) today fired a shot across the bow of American Cellular carriers, announcing it has placed an order with Boeing for three satellites. The company intends to launch the satellites by 2010 in order to provide mobile voice and data to customers across North and South America. MSV will use additional technology (possibly cellular) on the ground to provide coverage in dense urban areas where satellite signals are weak. The company believes that by the time service launches, that satellite handsets will be about the size and cost of today's mobile phone.
Wasn't Iridium Like This?
I heard that didn't work out so well.
Some people think this is already how it works....
I just see Verizon and Cingular buying them out. Cant have that kind of competition ;)
sangyup81 said:
That's the only way I see them getting building covereage
If you read the info, you'd see the company talks about using cellular coverage in densely populated areas. 🙄
latency, high power consumption, bad signal.. everywhere
Full Coverage Everywhere???
Sometime it is when you need your phone for emergency. So if this means full coverage everywhere, I am definately signing up. »
i dunno bout it...
Data? 3G-> 4G
Financally for data I think the overload/latency factor would make this service too expensive for the common consumer. I can only see this being used for business purposes intially. Data is the way the mobile industry is trending, this seems like a step in the wrong direction to me. Although this would be good for rural voice roaming!