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Motorola Hints At This Year's Big Announcements

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Jan 6, 2006, 1:32 PM   by (staff)

Motorola executives Ed Zander and Ron Garriques yesterday allowed journalists to peer into the company's crystal ball. They expect to complete the RAZR line by adding PDA, spinner and slider phones to the design family. In addition, Motorola will unveil their next design platform, called scalpel. This is most likely the 7 mm thick SLVR style platform that Zander promised last Spring. Zander also hinted at a few items coming very soon, including a quick glimpse at what was clearly a SLVR with iTunes and information that carriers will be able to customize the ROKR E2 to be compatible with whatever music platform and over the air download service they choose.

source: Motorola



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Jan 7, 2006, 5:39 PM

Maybe Moto Still Doesn't Get It?

While its great that Moto is introducing all these fancy new phones, platforms, an' bells n' whistles, I don' think they get the fact that what a lotta people would REALLY like to see from 'em is the basics.

AKA less buggy phones with better build quality that are RELIABLE.

Its kinda sad when a whole bunch of RAZRs gets shipped out with loose keypads that users have to self-fix. Its like "Woohoo, lookit the pretty phone" but if it ain't put together well, or has software glitches, who cares?

Oh, an' the Moto V260/V265.. a total travesty of a phone, blows up (fails) real good after a few months. The V325? Pulled due to glitches.

C'mon Moto, you can do better. 🙄
moto has been working hard on their hardware, and in 2006 the software should finally be just as impressive. motorola's new java-linux is more powerful, more stable and more polished than their current offering. i think you might be impressed with it
yes, i am waiting for motorolas announcement that they are not gonna suck.

Jan 12, 2006, 3:35 AM

Anyone know if Verizon is coming out with a clamshell smart phone?

Thanks! 😉

Jan 7, 2006, 2:20 PM


omfg oti roffle @ scalpel hahahahahahaha
"Nurse! Hand me my scalpel!"


"Ok.. .. .. .. wait, I need a real scalpel!"

I'm still waiting for the PRETZL ;) Now THAT would be an interesting phone...
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