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Visto To Sue Microsoft Over Mobile Email

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Dec 15, 2005, 1:15 PM   by (staff)

Visto, which supplies carriers with mobile email solutions, Wednesday claimed they are suing Microsoft for patent infringement. The company alleges that Microsoft violated their long standing patents on mobile email and data synchronization with their Exchange and Windows Mobile push email solution. Visto announced the impending suit just hours after the company had reached a patent licensing and stock deal with NTP, which is suing RIM on similar grounds. Like NTP, Visto will seek monetary damages as well as a sales injunction on Windows Mobile products. Microsoft had not received notice of the lawsuit as of this morning, making it difficult to confirm the validity of Visto's claims.

Associated Press »



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Dec 15, 2005, 8:45 PM


Something is rotten here. 2 companies that have deals with each other just happen to be suing competitors? Government needs to step in and do a full check of both NTP and Visto at this point
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