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AT&T and US Cellular Propose PCS Spectrum Swap

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Dec 10, 2014, 1:33 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

AT&T and U.S. Cellular have asked the FCC for permission to exchange spectrum licenses in select areas around the country. The proposed transaction includes 122 counties across 39 Cellular Market Areas. If approved, AT&T would receive PCS spectrum in 104 counties in 32 CMAs, while U.S. Cellular would receive PCS spectrum in 18 counties in seven CMAs. AT&T expects to hold 76 to 185MHz in the areas covered post transaction, and U.S. Cellular expects to hold 34 to 91MHz. AT&T says the transaction will allow it to "increase its system capacity to enhance existing services, better accommodate its overall growth, and facilitate the provision of additional products and services." As for U.S. Cellular, it believes the transaction will let it "carry out its current business and operational plans while divesting spectrum that is not strategic to its long term success." The companies will not exchange customers or networking assets. The FCC has accepted the initial applications for review. Companies routinely propose such spectrum swaps.

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Dec 10, 2014, 10:21 PM

Before people say US Cellular doesn't want to sell ...

It's clear US Cellular can't compete well. The last few years they have made money buy swapping or selling out spectrum and customers to the Tier 1 players. They made like 700 plus million selling spectrum and customers to Sprint then more spectrum to T-mo. I don't want Dish buying T-mo like some people suggest. I want Dish to buy US Cellular and make it a stronger #5 carrier. Dish could even afford to buy it outright and expand it with the spectrum holdings they have plus retail presence they have. Then, Dish and T-mo could strike LTE roaming deal.
Dish does not have the capital to fund a buyout of T-Mobile, or Sprint - but does have it for US Cellular, in addition left over cash to fund and run the company. Technically speaking, CDMA US Cellular is on par with Sprint in terms of roaming and inf...

Dec 10, 2014, 2:33 PM

Here we go again

As if AT&T needs more spectrum than it currently has.

The 1900PCS Spectrum I guess is looking to be recycled for LTE, but likely not because AT&T needs to do that, but because T-Mobile services areas with it as well and its done in a competitive move.

*rolls eyes*
*Rolls Eyes* So you don't have a problem with T Maybe and Verizon swap with no replies down below in the articles but when AT&T and US Cellular do it's a problem? Carrier hate troll at it's best..... If these companies feel the need to do so and it's...
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