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AT&T Announces Ruggedized Samsung Rugby 4

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Aug 4, 2014, 1:06 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

AT&T today said it will sell the Samsung Rugby 4 beginning later this year. Samsung's Rugby series devices are ruggedized flip phones that include push-to-talk via AT&T's Enhanced PTT service. The Rugby 4 builds on the Rugby series' basics by adding Wi-Fi and noise suppression, and improving the speaker. The Rugby 4 boasts a mil-spec rating for toughness and GPS for navigation. AT&T declined to provide pricing details, nor did it say exactly when the Samsung Rugby 4 will go on sale.

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Aug 5, 2014, 6:35 AM

Modern Carrier PTT Solutions

Great phone, but a word of advice - don't pay the extra $$$ for PTT. There are better, faster, cheaper, and more reliable alternatives out there. Nextel was the only proprietary cellular PTT that actually worked well. Everyone else, including Sprint, offer only dumbed-down versions. The drawback is that VOIP PTT is hackable, whereas iDEN was nearly impossible to crack.

Unless your a business or government employee, Voxer, Zello, or any number of other apps are just as good as Nextel was - and far better than carrier push-to wait.
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