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Google Talks About Android's New Design

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Jun 25, 2014, 11:29 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

Google today talked about the next version of Android during its I/O Developer conference. According to Google, it represents one of the biggest releases of Android ever, and includes 5,000 new APIs for developers. Google wanted to streamline the user experience across all its platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and computers (including Chrome OS). To that end, it created a new design language called Material Design. Material Design adds a new element to the user interface by allowing developers to designate depth for their apps, as well as colors. The company also updated its Roboto font and added rich, animated touch feedback to apps. The design lets developers create more seamless animations between screens and apps with the same user interface across platforms. It released a first draft the new design tools to developers today.

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Jun 25, 2014, 11:57 AM

So less information on the screen?

I'm not a fan of showing fewer messages, and less information on each screen in the new screenshots. Why wouldn't I want to see the date or even one entire extra conversation without scrolling?
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