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Nokia Developing New Browser For Series 60

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Jun 13, 2005, 9:27 AM   by (staff)

Nokia today announced they are developing a new HTML browser for Series 60 handsets. The browser will be capable of rendering both HTML and Javascript quickly and formatted for the smartphone's screen. Instead of developing a browser from scratch,or licensing Opera like they do for other Communicator phones, Nokia will build this browser based on WebCore and JavaScriptCore, Apple's rendering technologies that are part of the open-source KHTML project. Nokia will add WAP support to the software and release the browser in the first half of 2006. Nokia recently announced an open source OS platform based on Linux for their new 770 internet tablet.



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Jun 13, 2005, 7:27 PM

how was the old one?

Has anyone tried out the html browser on the series 60? I'm interested in an html browser & edge & NOKIA, but i'm thinking about the little screen.
It was much too slow at rendering pages. This is good also for the simple fact that opera for s60 is very slow compared to the windows os smartsphone. Its nice to see Nokia recognizing a flaw and fixing it. I hope it is good.
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