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Sprint Begins Launch Of Location Based Services

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Apr 28, 2005, 1:36 PM   by (staff)

Sprint yesterday announced new services for roadside assistance and directory assistance callers. When users of either service call in for help or directions, they can now ask the operator to locate them using their phone's assisted GPS instead of having to know where they are. There is no extra fee beyond normal charges for network location. Sprint also said they intend to extend location based services to user accessible data services like local weather, movies, traffic information and more.

Sprint PCS »



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May 3, 2005, 2:40 PM

Tracking and Locating Employees

Does anyone know if you will be able to give the operator a different phone number on your account (if you are the administrator of the account) and find the location of you employees? This would be useful if you have employees you think aren't where they are supposed to be, doing what they are supposed to be doing. 👿 😳
yea... (with nextel is mobile locator, i am not sure with sprint though)
Don't companies like Fedex and UPS do this already? Trucking companies as well, I would assume. Tracking whether my butt is in my cube where it belongs? That's another story.

Apr 28, 2005, 2:48 PM

Wow...who cares!

If their road side service is anything like their cellular srevice then count on it SUCKING!
Doozer said:
If their road side service is anything like their cellular srevice then count on it SUCKING!
Said the boy named "Doozer".
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