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Sprint Says BlackBerry 10 is 'Exciting' But Not Enough

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Aug 6, 2012, 12:56 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Sprint today called what it has seen of Research In Motion's forthcoming BlackBerry 10 platform is "exciting," but also said it may not help RIM regain its former stature as the smartphone leader. Sprint spokesperson David Owen, responding to questions from journalists, said "I would not count RIM out. RIM keeps reinventing itself. BlackBerry 10, as we've looked at it, has some really good characteristics. We're excited to see what it can do. The challenge is RIM took on everything. They took on the entire gambit: the storefront, the operating system, the manufacturing, and this caused them to be slow in reacting to the changes in the market. We don't think we will see RIM get back to the levels they were two years ago. So we have to figure out where they'll be going forward" in Sprint's product roadmap.

source: Sprint

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Aug 6, 2012, 1:46 PM

Misleading title

They are quoted as it being 'exciting' but 'not enough' is your interpretation. As I reader I come in to this article thinking the OS isn't enough for the consumer when in actuality the Sprint spokesperson is referring to RIM not being able to regain it's original foothold. This is misleading.

As a smarthphone user (who is clearly who this article is directed to, given that the topic is BlackBerry 10 and that it is exciting, and not shareholders who would be concerned with it being 'not enough') I don't care if it isn't enough to bring RIM to the top spot. I want it to be a good product, and if it's exciting than that intrigues me. But when you say it is 'not enough' that automatically puts a sour taste into the rest of the article ...
I agree with you completely....RIM is the new 'villain of the week' that tech reporters love to demonize......anytime RIM does something the spin is always 'this isn't going to be enough to save the company' but whenever Apple or Google announces some...
I have to disagree with you. I didn't interpret anything. I reported exactly what David Owens said.

Owens was saying that what Sprint has seen ofBB10 looks good, but Sprint isn't convinced that the platform will survive long-term. Another Sprint re...
Hmmm...I bet the Crackberry folks are ripping Sprint to shreds for this.
"Sprint today called what it has seen of Research In Motion's forthcoming BlackBerry 10 platform is "exciting," but also said it may not help RIM regain its former stature as the smartphone leader"

Aug 6, 2012, 1:47 PM

Yay Google!!

Androids are gonna rule the world!!
All you guys cheering for RIM's demise are not going to be happy with how the negative impact this has on the market if it should actually happen...
I couldn't think of a worse thing to say ever 🙄

Hey Google! You can stop updating your OS! No need to right? You rule the world! There is no competition right?

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