HTC Lowers The Volume On Beats Stake
Comments 4
Jul 21, 2012, 4:33 PM by Rich Brome
HTC and Beats today announced that HTC has sold half of its stake in Beats back to Beats. HTC will maintain an approximate 25% stake in Beats and continue to hold exclusive commercial rights to Beats technology in mobile devices. Owning a controlling stake "provides Beats with more flexibility for global expansion", according to the companies. HTC bought a 51% majority stake in Beats one year ago.
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Is Beats worth it.
I don't think I would go out of my way to buy a phone with Beats Audio, I also would not pay a premium because the phone has it. HTC is realizing this now.
I don't even know what 'Beats Audio' is....I've suffered about 30% hearing loss and to me a headphone is a headphone, there is no difference.
There is no "premium" to have Beats Audio on your phone. Most of there new phones have it included and there is a hack to add it to your existing rooted phone.
For what the headphones do, they are hugely overpriced. There is NO way that im going to pay $600.00 for ANY pair of headphones. I got a $100.00 pair of Pioneer SE-M390 phones. Huge bass, awesome mid and upper ranges. Beats is just a name, thats al...