Windows Phone 'Tango' Earns Its Proper Name from Microsoft
Comments 6
Mar 12, 2012, 11:25 AM by Eric M. Zeman
Microsoft will officially refer to the Windows Phone Tango system update as "Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh," according to Stefania Duico, Microsoft's Windows Phone Business Group Lead in Italy, provided the information to in an interview. Tango strips down the features of Windows Phone so that it will work on less expensive devices. The goal is to help smartphone makers target emerging markets with lower-cost Windows Phones. Some of the removed features include fast-app switching and background processes. The official name for Windows Phone Apollo (the next significant version of the platform) has not yet be given by Microsoft.
Great idea!
Take Windows Mobile, one of the lesser adopted mobile OS's, and fork it. Add two cups of confusion and a dash of doubt. Serve fresh to customers.
Windows Mobile is not popular today, but in its heyday (roughly 2001-2005) it was actually the market leader. Indeed, there was a time when there were only four major smartphone platforms: Palm, Winwdows Mobile, Blackberry and Symbian.
Mar 12, 2012, 3:28 PM
What I'm wondering is
Will this kind of be like Brew MP, where the phones that have it would be able to run without a data plan? Because this could be a great thing for non-smartphones, or just another step towards killing them.
I could be wrong but, I that would be solely up to individual carriers. The will most likely have WiFi capabilities but, up to carriers to sell it without a data plan and just have a voice plan.
on the bright side
it doesnt sound too original but at least it's not a fruit or a dessert 😁