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V3c software upgrades?


Apr 21, 2006, 11:16 PM
I've had my Razr V3c since December, and I'm just now experiencing problems with it. Within the last week, when I receive phone calls, the ringer that I have skips, at least two times. Basically, it plays a little of the song, stops, continues, stops again, and then finishes the song for the remainder of the ringing. It also has been very, very slow.

I took it to Verizon today to Technical Support, and the guy's plan A of action was "we can swap it out". Which I didn't understand why he said that (and why he didn't want to actually check out my phone), but long story short, he told me about some upgrades that may help the slowness that a lot of users have complained about, and may solve the ringer skipping issue. He also said that these u...

Apr 23, 2006, 4:13 PM
Try a different store or a different tech - sometimes you get one of the bad apples that spoil the bunch....

Apr 23, 2006, 11:37 PM
I actually did that. 🙂 I got my brother-in-law to call the guy that we bought the phone from, which is his friend. He said that the updates for it are BS, and it's not worth it. He did, however, suggest that I delete all my text messages, which should help with the slowness (his wife has the pink Razr, and he has to go in at least once a week and delete texts, because it gets so slow). I had about 350-400 text messages saved, and after I deleted them all, both problems were fixed (skipping ringer, and slowness). He explained that it's just like a computer, the memory was getting low; which I'm not retarded, I knew that, but I didn't think that that little bit of stuff would cause problems this bad!

Thanks for your help! 🙂

Apr 27, 2006, 5:42 PM
When you are in your messaging screen, press the menu key and go to message setup. In this menu you should be able to tell it to delete the oldest messages after you have X number of them in your in/out box.....

Glad to hear he fixed it though.

May 11, 2006, 12:43 PM
improves the speed of the phone. the one thing i do not like about it is the outside display on the flip doesn't show the background anymore (bug?, intent?)

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